Welcome to my website. I am a freelance writer, author, poet, copyeditor and proofreader, as well as an IT support & training consultant.
Two of my poems and one short essay have been published on the ThisIsTheBronx.info website, and two of my short memoir stories each in Volume II (2018) and III (2019) have been featured in the Bronx Memoir Project book anthology, published by the Bronx Council on the Arts. In 2018, my article “Volunteer As Mock Juror to Train Bronx ADAs” was published on the Welcome2TheBronx website.
I am a proud Bronxite and recently founded the “Bronx Art & Fun Hub” (BxAFH), offering free events, programs, and workshops to adults in the Bronx and New York City.
Follow me on my social media:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ronmarcthomson
IG: www.instagram.com/ronmarcthomson
Twitter: www.twitter.com/ronmarcthomson